December 15, 2009

November 15th, 2009

This past weekend Mark and I went to Lucia and Sean’s Potluck/gift exchange.  It was so much fun.  At some point Lucia got belligerently drunk and threatened Mark’s life if he ever hurt me.  The funny part, she doesn’t remember it.  She also did the same thing Janelle’s boyfriend.  Here are some of the pics from the evening. 


IMG_0650 IMG_0550 IMG_0551 IMG_0557 IMG_0558 IMG_0559 IMG_0560 IMG_0561 IMG_0562 IMG_0568 IMG_0601 IMG_0607 IMG_0617 IMG_0618 IMG_0631 IMG_0646
IMG_0695 IMG_0685 IMG_0686 IMG_0688 IMG_0689 IMG_0690 IMG_0691 IMG_0694

1 comment:

Live.Love.Eat said...

Now that's a very good friend!!!!!! I have threatened men and not remembered the day after as well!!! :)

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