February 11, 2009

February 11th, 2009

If you live anywhere near the Baltimore/Annapolis area in Maryland, then go to my work's website (www.wbis1190.com) and fill out the survey we have up for China Radio.... You don't even have to listen to the program. Truth is we are at risk of loosing then as a client and we need to show them they have listeners... even if you really don't listen.



Valentines day is coming up and while most people plan on doing something sweet for their sweet heart, I actually don't get that excited about it. LOL... I mean yea I got Mark a card, and will possibly pick up some candy we can share, but other than that I feel like V-Day is just another day.

I guess I just feel like you should tell your loved one you love them everyday... not just one day a year.


Debra said...

lol...I don't get that excited about v-day also. We do get candy and stuff animal and all that for Shelby but for us I usally just bake something and have a glass of wine....
I hope you all have a wonderful V-day!!

Gerri Ward said...

Marie, I solely agree with you!!!
Every V-Day I do the same thing "nothing" well I do eat a ton of chocolate that I buy myself, nah I usually get flowers but I buy those myself every week-end sooo that's no big deal. Oh well, I'm on my way to filling out the survey!!!

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